Jumat, 02 November 2012

Equality in America Society

Race and racial inequality have powerfully shaped American history from its beginnings. Americans like to think of the founding of the American colonies and, later, the United States, as driven by the quest for freedom – initially, religious liberty and later political and economic liberty. Yet, from the start, American society was equally founded on brutal forms of domination, inequality and oppression which involved the absolute denial of freedom for slaves.
This is one of the great paradoxes of American history – how could the ideals of equality and freedom coexist with slavery? We live with the ramifications of that paradox even today.
In this chapter we will explore the nature of racial inequality in America, both in terms of its historical variations and contemporary realities. We will begin by clarifying precisely what we mean by race, racial inequality and racism.  We will then briefly examine the ways in which racism harms many people within racially dominant groups, not just racially oppressed groups. It might seem a little odd to raise this issue at the beginning of a discussion of racial inequality, for it is surely the case that racial inequality is more damaging to the lives of people within the oppressed group. We do this because we feel it is one of the critical complexities of racial inequality and needs to be part of our understanding even as we focus on the more direct effects of racism. This will be followed by a more extended discussion of the historical variations in the forms of racial inequality and oppression in the United States. The chapter will conclude with a discussion of the empirical realities today and prospects for the future.
This chapter will focus primarily on the experience of racial inequality of African-Americans, although in the more historical section we will briefly discuss specific forms of racial oppression of Native-Americans, Mexican-Americans, and Chinese-Americans. This focus on African-Americans does not imply that the forms of racism to which other racial minorities have been subjected are any less real. And certainly the nature of racial domination of these other groups has also stamped the character of contemporary American society.



As we know, America is a country that has a lot of mixed race. many immigrants coming from different continents, this raises racial inequality. only a minority will be slaves. since its inception, the American public is equally established in the form of brutal domination, injustice and oppression that involves an absolute denial of freedom for the slaves.
Astri Puji Lestari
4 sa 03

Equality in Indonesia Society

The fate of a gender equality bill pending in Indonesia’s parliament and aligned with the United Nations convention on the elimination of all forms discrimination against women (CEDAW) has become uncertain after falling afoul of powerful Islamist groups.

No fewer than six major Islamic organizations have formally objected to the equality bill on the ground that some of its articles go against Islamic values in the world’s most populous Muslim-majority nation where 80 percent of its 238 million people are followers of the faith.

Organizations opposed to the bill include the influential Indonesian Ulema Council, the Indonesian Consultative Council for Muslim Women Organizations, Aisyiah, Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) and the Islamic Community Party.

Iffah Ainur Rochmah, spokeswoman for HTI, said after an important consultation with parliament’s commission on religion and social affairs held on Mar. 16 that gender equality and policies that encourage women to seek employment could only lead to conflicts within marriages.

According to Rochmah, divorce rates among female teachers were high because “wives with better earnings may feel superior to men, leading to conflict.”

The bill goes against the grain of the Islamic Shariah law on inheritance, which favors males. It also allows a man or a woman to freely choose a marriage partner regardless of religious persuasion and seeks to legalize homosexual or lesbian marriages.

Many ordinary women now accuse non-government organizations such as the international Women Against Shariah (WAS) for creating confusion in Indonesian society that has set notions about the place of men and women in it.

According to WAS, Shariah law imposes second class status on women and is incompatible with the basic principles of human rights that include equality under the law and the protection of individual freedoms.

“Indonesian women have no problems with men, but there is a tiny group of people which is out to create problems,” said Salwa Amira, a young Muslim woman who is an environmental consultant to a South Korean firm in Jakarta.

Amira said feminist groups and NGOs were promoting the bill. “These are small groups of women who talk a lot,” she said. “Their campaigns attract some women who happen to be going through some crisis.”

“Yes, some Indonesian women are excluded from job positions, but so are men,” said Muhammad Abas, a regional head of the country’s religious affairs department. “Sexual abuse, trafficking and labor conditions are not problems of gender, but of the law,” he added.

Some analysts believe that it is only a matter of time before the bill, originally due to have been passed on Apr. 15, becomes law. There is no official word on when it will be taken up again in parliament.

“The Indonesian government has already ratified CEDAW as government regulation in 1984,” Nining Widaningsih, a well-known commentator on women’s affairs, told IPS. “The bill is meant to amend this regulation, which still leaves a lot of disadvantages for women.”

The 2011-2015 United Nations Population Fund’s program in Indonesia has plans to address gender-based violence “through improved policies and social protection systems, in alignment with the CEDAW, the International Conference on Population and Development’s programme of action and national legislation.”

Indonesia’s women empowerment and children protection ministry reports that the number of domestic violence cases has increased during the last two years — 105,103 cases in 2010 and 119,107 cases in 2011.

But, what irks many ordinary women is allegedly hyped up data on gender violence released by some NGOs. “It’s amazing how these NGOs can collect data so easily in a large and diverse country like Indonesia. We are a society that keeps domestic affairs out of public view,” Amira said.

Yeni Huriani, a lecturer at the State Islamic University of Bandung, said many NGOs have no credibility. “Let’s be honest, there are some NGOs who attempt to draw public attention by creating controversy and may possibly be trying to attract donor funds,” she said.

Recently an obscure NGO, Keadilan Jender dan Hak Asasi Manusia (Gender Justice and Human Rights) published a survey alleging that students of Islamic boarding schools in Central Java become the victims of sexual abuse by their teachers.

Although the survey did not cite any responsible teacher, student or manager of the Islamic school, it found its way to the popular “Solopos” tabloid, sparking outrage among the Muslim leaders, academics, and students.

“How can such unreliable information be spread among the public? Sadly, this is the kind of information that is used by feminist lobbyists to press their agenda,” Yeni said.

“This is the work of radical feminists who are fed by the West,” Kirana Andilycia, a housewife, commented in the Facebook group “No to Gender Equality Bill.” “It has been stamped in their minds that Muslim women are oppressed, beaten, and excluded from public positions, although the facts are different.”

Kirana said it is not difficult to see that the real aspirations of Indonesian women are not reflected in the bill. “I think freeing women from breastfeeding and demanding 30 percent of [House of Representatives] seats are a bit much. That is not what Indonesian women want.

“We will stick to Islamic teaching in women’s affairs. God created women different from men. Our duties and responsibilities are different. Our tendencies and inclinations are different. But we are equal as human beings, as God’s creatures.”

Figures from World Economic Forum Global Gender Gap Report 2010 show that 21 percent of parliamentary legislators and 15 percent of government ministers in Indonesia were women. The same report shows 20 percent of Indonesia’s senior officials and managers are women.

Similarly, the World Bank’s “World Development Report 2012: Gender Equality and Development” says Indonesia has made good progress in improving health outcomes among women and girls, and has also managed to increase women’s access to finance and justice.

Said Coen Hikmah, a Muslim businesswoman: “It is sad to see that while more and more European and American women are turning to Islam as an alternative way of life, we are promoting this bill.”

“The problem in Indonesia is not the absence of gender equality but poor law enforcement. Abusing women, children and human beings in general is a crime,” Coen said.

Inter Press Service

Source :

indeed the teachings of Islam have been told that the position of men is higher than women. but, in my opinion, this means that women should be respect for the man, not because the prohibition on woman's employment and earnings higher. if a woman has a better ability than men, it is derived from its own merits. This is not wrong as long as women continue to understand and fulfill their obligations as a woman.

Astri Puji Lestari
4 sa 03

Kamis, 01 November 2012

Interaksi Sosial

Interaksi social adalah hubungan yang terjadi antara masyarakat social. Hubungan ini menciptakan arus timbal balik antar masyarakat. Interaksi social bibagi menjadi 4 yaitu : kerja sama, akomodasi, asimilasi dan akulturasi.

1.     1. Kerja sama
Kerja sama ialah salah satu bentuk interaksi social antar perorangan atau kelompok yang menciptakan hubungan timbal balik yang saling menguntungkan. Hubungan ini diciptakan dalam rangka cara memenuhi kebutuhan bersama.
Sebagai contoh di lingkungan pedesaan, kerja sama atau biasa disebut gotong royong masih tercipta. Saat melakukan “kerja bakti” (bersih-bersih di seluruh lingkungan tempat tinggal), para masyarakat bekerja sama saling membantu. Ini dilakukan bukan hanya agar pekerjaan dapat cepat selesai, tapi juga agar hubungan antar warga tidak renggang satu sama lain.

2.     2. Akomodasi
Akomodasi adalah suatu proses penyesuaian sosial dalam interaksi antara pribadi dan kelompok-kelompok manusia untuk meredakan pertentangan.
Sebagai contoh dalam suatu kelompok masyarakat jika terjadi perbedaan paham yang bisa menimbulkan pertentangan, sang pemimpin masyarakat haruslah membuat musyawarah untuk mencapai mufakat. Ini dilakukan agar keputusan yang diambil atas hasil bersama.

3.     3. Asimilasi
Asimilasi adalah proses sosial yang timbul bila ada kelompok masyarakatdengan latar belakang kebudayaan yang berbeda, saling bergaul secara intensif dalam jangka waktu lama, sehingga lambat laun kebudayaan asli mereka akan berubah sipat danwujudnya membentuk kebudayaan baru. sebagai contoh masuknya para penjajah dari Barat ke Indonesia membuat banyaknya serapan yang dipakai bahasa Indonesia dari bahasa Inggris

4.     4. Akulturasi
Akulturasi adalah proses sosial yang timbul, apabila suatu kelompok masyarakatmanusia dengan suatu kebudayaan tertentu dihadapkan dengan unsur- unsur dari suatukebudayaan asing sedemikian rupa, sehingga lambat laun unsur- unsur dari kebudayaanasing itu diterima dan diolah kedalam kebudayaan sendiri, tanpa menyebabkan hilangnyakepribadian dari kebudayaan itu sendiri. Sebagai contoh, warga Tionghoa dan Arab khususnya di Jakarta sudah ada sejak jaman penjajahan. Jakarta sebagai pusat kota juga merupakan tempat bekumpulnya beberapa budaya di daratan Indonesia. Betawi pun kini sudah tercampur oleh budaya-budaya asing tersebut.

Astri Puji Lestari
4 sa 03

Culture Interaction - Task VI

1. What is Pluralism according to me? 
       According to me pluralism can be defined as the ideologies that tolerate the diversity of thought, religion, and culture. Pluralism not only tolerates diversity understanding, but also recognizes the truth of each understanding, and interacts without conflict.

2. Do pluralistic and multicultural are similar? and the evidences
             The ideology of pluralism is to build relationships of many groups. like in one group are religious and cultural differences. Multicultural is part of the  pluralism.
MUI (Majelis Ulama Indonesia) issued a statement about pluralism. Any religious must not claim that only religion, thought and culture they are right, others are wrong and unlawful. Pluralism also teaches that all faiths each will go and live side by side in heaven, if they have good behavior while living in the world. Indeed, I know that pluralism is against Islamic teachings. But somehow pluralism will make our inter-religious harmony, to do good to one another regardless of religion and culture.

3. What the advantageous and disadvantages of equality?
           Advantageous, assume that all groups are the same, there was no difference between groups. the applicable law is the law agreed by together.
           Disadvantageous, because no significant difference was the lack of uniqueness in that group.

Astri Puji Lestari
4 sa 03