Cave is located in Bomo village, kecamatan Punung, Pacitan, central Java
Indonesia. Gong Cave is one of the main vacation in Pacitan. Gong is one of the caves caves hidden in the bowels of small mountains in Pacitan. This cave is a cave with a horizontal length of approximately 256 meters. Inside the cave there are stalactite, cone-shaped limestone rock in the cave ceiling and stalagmites, limestone rock that stands at the base of hundreds of years old. The historians think Gong cave is an ancient human habitation since thousands of years ago. This is evidenced by the presence of traces of the hand and there are ancient paintings on cave walls. Tourists who visit Gong cave do not be afraid of the dark as the inside of the cave has been constructed walkways and colorful lighting. Residents around the cave site offers information and guidance services through the passages in the cave.
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According to the story, name of gong
cave came from the caves is often heard noises that sound like a gong. Gong Cave
discovery process itself occurs by accident. In 1930, at a season when there is
prolonged drought, resulting in Hamlet prolonged drought. Water is very difficult
to obtain. The old man Noyo Semito and Joyo initiative to seek water in the
cave that is in place. By using a torch made of dried palm leaves tied together, they track tries cave
passageways. After spending seven torches belt, they discovered several spring and
bathe in it.
Facilities available at the Cave Gong are a gift shop, restaurant,
parking, public toilets, and the mosque. For tourists who
want to know the history of Gong Cave detail, they
can hire a guide who is in the region. However,
for those who do not want to hire a guide
to buying, they can buy guide books.
In front of the gate, visitors must first walk
about 100 meters. The flashlight seller at
the gate or mouth
of the cave will offer to rent their flashlights. The visitors only have to pay Rp. 2500 to enjoy all of these.
Inside there are five spring
Gong cave is valuable
for those who believe in magic. They are Spring Charm
Rogo, Panguripan Spring,
Spring Niches Jiwo,
Kamulyan Spring, and
Spring Nisto niches
that are believed to have magical value to
heal disease.
Astri Puji Lestari
4 SA 03
Gunadarma University
Gunadarma University