Selasa, 11 Juni 2013

Figure of Speech

The definition and Kinds of Figure of Speech
Figure of speech shows an expression that uses language in a non literal way.  Kennedy (1979:487) stated that figures of Speech are not devices to state what is demonstrably untrue. Indeed they often state truths that more literal language can not communicate; they call attention to such truths; they lend them emphasis. According to Hicks (2007:92) there are kinds of Figures of Speech. They are Alliteration, Simile, Hyperbole, Assonance, Irony, Litotes, Metaphor, metonymy, Rhetoric, Synecdoche, Paradox, and Personification.
a.       Alliteration
Alliteration is a kind of figure of speech which has repetition of an initial sound in words into a sentence. Kennedy (1979:533) stated that alliteration occur in the repetition of the same consonant sound at the beginning of successive words. Example: I know where the nail is.

b.      Assonance
Assonance is like alliteration. The difference is assonance has repetition of a vowel sound in words into a sentence. Short (1996:111) stated that assonance is the term traditionally reserved for pattern of repetition between vowel sounds. Example: anytime, anywhere and easier.

c.       Hyperbole
Most of us, from time to time, emphasize a point with a statement containing exaggeration.  Hicks (2007:93) stated that hyperbole is obvious exaggeration. It is not literal truth but use figure of speech. Overstatement can be used also for humorous purposes. Example: I’ve told him a thousand times.

d.      Irony
Hicks (2007:93) told that irony is either making a point in words that mean literally the opposite or a condition in which a person seems mocked by fates or the facts. Example: you’re too quickly come here until the guests have gone all.

e.       Litotes
Litotes is a kind of figures of speech that has the opposite of hyperbole. Hicks (2007:93) stated that litotes is an understatement especially assertion by negation of the contrary. Example: I achieved not a little in a life.

f.       Metaphor
Metaphor is a statement that one thing is something else, which is literal sense, it is not. According to Kennedy (1979:490) in general, a simile refers to only one characteristic that two things have in common, while a metaphor is not plainly limited in the number of resemblances it may indicate. Example: Alexander is a fox

g.      Metonym
Metonymy is replacing the name of something by the name of related thing. Kennedy (2007:496) stated that the name of a thing is substituted for that on another closely associated with it. For instance, we say “the white house decided,” and the mean president did.

h.      Rhetoric
Rhetoric is a kind of figures of speech that shows a question. Lingga (2007:288) stated that rhetoric is a rhetorical question asked not to receive an answer, but to assert more emphatically obvious answer to what is asked. Example: you know what I mean, don’t you?

i.        Simile
When two things are compared using the words "like" or '"as," this is called a simile.  Kennedy (1979:497) stated that simile is a comparison of two things, indicated by some connective. Usually like, as, than or a verb such as resembles.  The things usually compared have to be dissimilar in kind for a simile. Example: the cigarette is like a murder.

j.        Synecdoche
Synecdoche is a kind of figure of speech that uses a part for whole of the part to tell a thing. Kennedy (1979:498) told that synecdoche is the use of a part of a thing to stand for the whole of it. Example: her hand can help my family.

k.      Paradox
According to Kennedy (1979:498) stated that paradox occurs in a statement that at first strikes us as self-contradictory but that on reflection makes some sense. Example: standing is more tired than walking.

l.        Personification
Kennedy (1979:496) told that such is one instance of personification: a figure of speech in which a thing, an animal, or an abstract term (truth, nature) is made human. Example: the bird runs faster

Astri Puji Lestari
4 SA 03

Problem in Translation

Problem Incorrigible in Translation
In this article, the writer tries to discuss some problems that usually be faced by the translator. There are doubts which were created by literally translating all words from the original version of source language. One of the most difficult problems in translating is found in the differences between cultures. Larson (1980:137) stated that the people of a given culture look at things from their own perspective. Many words which look like they are equivalent are not. Different cultures have different focuses. Some societies are more technical and less technical. If the source language text originates from a highly technical society, it may be much more difficult to translate it into the language of a nontechnical society.
When translate the text, the translator will face basic problems in translation. They are lexical, gramatical, and cultural. Lexical meaning is the first problem that faces by a translator when translates the text. In lexical change, polysemy planys an impotant role. Polysemy means the word not only has one meaning, always appear in doing translation especially in such a text. When a translator tries to transfer the message, he/she has to more pay attention in such words. For example “bisa” in Indonesian word can be translate to English with much meaning. It can be “can, ability to do something” or “poison, a substance that when introduced into or absorbed by a living organism causes illness or death”. It depends on what the word is used as.
When translating the text, the translator  sometimes also found defficultes in translation. They are singular-plural nouns, aspects, gender. In Indonesian language there is no the indicator of singular or plural nouns.  For example “mobil” in Indonesia word means “car”, it is a singular noun. And then “mobil-mobil” as a plural noun can not be “car-car”, but it becomes “cars”. In English there is no meaning of “car-car”. So, the translator has to know grammatical structure of source language text. If the translators wrongly put a word in their translation, it will make their translation has wrong meaning.
The next problem is culture. As said by Larson (1989:3) that translation is the study of lexical aspects of the language, and its communicative and cultural context and Julian House (2009:11) in his book “Translation” said that translation is not only a linguistic act; it is also a cultural one, an act of communication across culture. A translator has to consider not only the two languages but also the two cultures. When the translator  translates the text that each has two different language structure, the translator must understand the social and cultural aspects of the source language and the receptor language. When the translator found a word that can not be translated into English, the translator will describe about that word. For example “rendang”, there is no meaning in Indonesian-English dictionary. So, the translate will describe about “rendang”. The description of “rendang” is traditional food made ​​of meat cooked with coconut milk and spices. The translator have to know more about tranditional thing. It will make the translator  easy to get the meaning of word.

 Astri Puji Lestari
4 SA 03

Rabu, 22 Mei 2013

gong cave Pacitan

Gong Cave
(Goa Gong)

\Gong Cave is located in Bomo village, kecamatan Punung, Pacitan, central Java Indonesia. Gong Cave is one of the main vacation in Pacitan. Gong is one of the caves caves hidden in the bowels of small mountains in Pacitan. This cave is a cave with a horizontal length of approximately 256 meters. Inside the cave there are stalactite, cone-shaped limestone rock in the cave ceiling and stalagmites, limestone rock that stands at the base of hundreds of years old. The historians think Gong cave is an ancient human habitation since thousands of years ago. This is evidenced by the presence of traces of the hand and there are ancient paintings on cave walls. Tourists who visit Gong cave do not be afraid of the dark as the inside of the cave has been constructed walkways and colorful lighting. Residents around the cave site offers information and guidance services through the passages in the cave.

According to the story, name of gong cave came from the caves is often heard noises that sound like a gong. Gong Cave discovery process itself occurs by accident. In 1930, at a season when there is prolonged drought, resulting in Hamlet prolonged drought. Water is very difficult to obtain. The old man Noyo Semito and Joyo initiative to seek water in the cave that is in place. By using a torch made ​​of dried palm leaves tied together, they track tries cave passageways. After spending seven torches belt, they discovered several spring and bathe in it.
  Facilities available at the Cave Gong are a gift shop, restaurant, parking, public toilets, and the mosque. For tourists who want to know the history of Gong Cave detail, they can hire a guide who is in the region. However, for those who do not want to hire a guide to buying, they can buy guide books. In front of the gate, visitors must first walk about 100 meters. The flashlight seller at the gate or mouth of the cave will offer to rent their flashlights. The visitors only have to pay Rp. 2500 to enjoy all of these.
    Inside there are five spring Gong cave is valuable for those who believe in magic. They are Spring Charm Rogo, Panguripan Spring, Spring Niches Jiwo, Kamulyan Spring, and Spring Nisto niches that are believed to have magical value to heal disease.

Astri Puji Lestari
4 SA 03
Gunadarma University

Orien ice cream durian Bekasi

Orien Ice Cream Durian
Durian. Siapa yang tidak kenal buah yang satu ini? Durian disebut-sebut sebagai raja buah. Banyak orang yang menyukai buah ini, mereka berpendapat buah ini sangatlah manis dan beraroma sangat wangi, hal itu sangatlah mengundang selera untuk memakannya. Ada yang menyukai ada juga yang membencinya, kebanyakan dari mereka yang tak menyukai buah durian karna mereka menganggap buah tersebut beraroma sangatlah tidak sedap dan bentuknya yang lembek.
Kini menyantap durian tidak harus dalam keadaan utuh alias dengan bentuk lembeknya itu. Banyak pedagang yang membuat kreasi dalam aneka macam makanan dan minuman. Seperti ini, es krim durian. Memang sudah banyak pedagang yang membuat jenis ini, tapi di daerah Bekasi ada sebuah kedai eskrim yang menjual es krim durian dengan berbagai pilihan campuran seperti keju, coklat, strawberry, mocca dan kacang mede. Rasanya memang benar-benar nikmat, karna eskrim ini dibuat dengan buah durian asli bukan perasa durian dan diatasnya juga ditambah dengan buah durian asli. Eskrimnya lembut dan wangi. Di sini juga tersedia roti bakar dan otak-otak sebagai sandingan saat menyantap es krim durian tersebut.
Kedai eskrim ini bernama “Ice Cream Orien” cabang Agus Salim/Patal Bekasi. Kedai es krim ini berlokasi di Jl. Agus Salim depan Patal Bekasi. Kedai es krim orien ini juga telah membuka cabang  di Ruko Vila Sari Jl. Raya Mustika Jaya, Bekasi. Kedai ini buka setiap hari dari pukul 2 siang hingga pukul 11 malam. Biasanya para remaja Bekasi mendatangi pada malam hari, lebih sering malam minggu. Jangan heran kalau melihat antrian panjang saat membelinya.
Kedai ini diberi nama “Ice Cream Orien” karna dari sang pendiri kedai es krim yang bernama Pak Orien. Pada tahun 2006 awalnya beliau buka di gang menggunakan tenda. Memasuki tahun 2010 kedai tersebut kini telah menempati ruko yang sekarang. Bukan hanya kenikmatan makanan dan minuman, dan tempatnya yang nyaman, tapi juga harganya yang terjangkau. Kita bisa menikmati berbagai jenis hidangan mulai dari harga Rp 7000. 

Astri Puji Lestari
4 SA 03
Gunadarma University

sembukan beach Wonogiri

Sembukan Beach

Sembukan beach located in the District Paranggupito approximately 40 Km south of Wonogiri and can be taken 2 hours by driving.
Sembukan beach known as the beach is crowded by the ritual of meditation and blessing “ngalab”, besides that there is also a place of worship was at the top of the mountain which is located not far from the Sembukan beach. According to myth, this beach is the 13rd gateway to the kingdom of the Queen of South. This gate is used by Queen of South to attend a meeting with the Kings of Surakarta Kasunanan (Pakubuwono). Heredity is a reference to people's lives around.
Sembukan beach is one of the central places held Javanese ritual (ancient Javanese). Salvation is held once a year either by float Ageng Kraton Surakarta, Wonogiri regency, as well as rural communities with taking down Paranggupito head of Buffalo in 1st suro particular night. Ritual ceremonies Ageng Labuhan is intended to invoke the safety and tranquility of the nation. These events are also staged in the sacred dance is dance Bedoyo Parang Kencono also followed by a puppet show. It is very interesting that quite a lot of tourists visit.
As one tourist destination in Wonogiri, management is arguably less than optimal. From 1992 until early 2011 there was no change to improve. For example, the access road to the beach very minim, the beach is located on the far end of the road. There is no public transport whatsoever, can only be traversed by a private vehicle. The number of road potholes, narrow, winding and up and down.
But luckily it's way to the end of the beach really is a natural form of small forests, fields, valleys, rocks and little settlements that made the trip did not feel uninterested. Around of coast has been equipped with a means of worship such as mosques, paseban and studio. Also had no toilet, parking and although still a little shop. Trash is still rarely seen.

Sembukan beach is smaller than the neighboring beach Nampu, that's what makes the beach Sembukan was rarely visited by tourists. Many tourists who do not know Sembukan coast, they know Nampu coast that are larger and finer sand beaches. But that doesn’t make some tourists prefer the resorts that are still unexplored.
There is no place where we can see the beauty of this world by looking at the ranks of the island with the sea as its outer boundary. There are birds flying. Sembukan beach is not too big but it has its own charm and has a fairly large waves hit the cliff wall. What more if the waves were very big, very High temperatures.
Sembukan beach in rocky coves, but the beach Sembukan not intended for swimming. For those who like fishing, the area around the beach is known as a strategic place for fishing while enjoying the sea and mountains, there are many types of fish can be found on the beach.
So while you are still awake the natural Sembukan Coast, let's keep this resort. Do not start with the bad things. Do it by not littering in advance.


Astri Puji Lestari

4 SA 03


Gunadarma University

museum bank Indonesia Jakarta

Museum Bank Indonesia

Museum, jika kita mendengar kata museum yang ada pada pikiran kita adalah sejarah, hal kuno, menyeramkan dan membosankan. Tapi itu benar-benar bertolak belakang saat kita mengunjungi museum Bank Indonesia yang beralamat di Pintu Besar Utara No. 3  Dekat dengan stasiun kota, Kota Tua, Jakarta Barat.
Di museum Bank Indonesia banyak cerita sejarah perekonomian di Indonesia dari masa penjajahan hingga saat ini. Karena yang kita ketahui Bank Indonesia (BI) merupakan bank sentral sebagai  lembaga yang sangat vital dalam kehidupan perekonomian nasional karena kebijakan yang diambil oleh BI akan memiliki dampak yang langsung dirasakan oleh masyarakat. Di museum tersebut juga terdapat contoh mata uang dari seluruh Negara di dunia, juga bentuk uang yang ada di Indonesia dari dahulu hingga sekarang yang masih berlaku di masyarakat. Kita mengetahui uang yang beredar dan sah sebagai alat tukar menukar di Indonesia ialah resmi dicetak atas naungan Bank Indonesia.
Museum ini awalnya merupakan sebuah rumah sakit Binnen Hospitaal, lalu kemudian digunakan menjadi sebuah bank yaitu De Javashe Bank (DJB) pada tahun 1828. Lalu setelah kemerdekaan yaitu pada tahun 1953, bank ini di-nasionalisasikan menjadi bank sentral Indonesia atau Bank Indonesia. Tapi tidak lama, yaitu tahun 1962, Bank Indonesia pindah ke gedung yang baru. Gedung ini dibiarkan kosong, namun dewan gubernur BI menghargai nilai sejarah yang tinggi atas gedung tersebut, sehingga memanfaatkan dan melestarikannya menjadi Museum Bank Indonesia. Museum ini diresmikan pada 15 Desember 2006 oleh gubernur BI, Burhanuddin Abdullah.

Awal memasuki museum kita disambut ramah olah petugas di museum, sebagai pengunjung, kita tidak perlu membayar 1 Rupiah pun untuk dapat masuk dan menikmati wisata sejarah tersebut alias GRATIS, banyak pengunjung khususnya pelajar yang menikmati wisata tersebut ada yang antusias dengan wahana nermain sambil belajar yang disediakan pengelola, ada yang terjaga saat mencatat keragaman sejarah perekonomian Indonesia, atau ada juga hanya melakukan foto-foto akan keunikan arsitektur bangunan dari museum Bank Indonesia. Banyak juga pengunjung asing yang dating karena memang orang asing lebih menyukai wisata sejarah yang unik yang jarang di Indonesia.
Akses yang mudah juga yang membuat banyak masyarakat khususnya warga Jakarta yang dating ke Museum Bank Indonesia. Kita bisa menempuh dengan kereta jurusan Kota, ujung dari jalur kereta arah Jakarta, dari Stasiun Kota ( stasiun Beos Kota ) kita bisa langsung dengan berjalan kaki menuju museum tersebut.
Dari segi kebersihan, museum Bank Indonesia cukup baik karena memang ini wisata indoor dan para pengunjung dilarang membawa makanan dan minuman.  Lobi terlihat mewah dengan kondisi yang sangat bersih, dan sangat sejuk walaupun di siang hari terik, karena gedung ini Full AC.
Kita patut bangga memiliki banyak wisata sejarah yang banyak diminat juga oleh wisata asing, kita wajib mengetahui sejarah perekonomian di Indonesia.

Astri Puji Lestari
4 SA 03
Gunadarma University

curug cikaso Sukabumi

Ujung Genteng, merupakan daerah pesisir pantai selatan Jawa Barat yang terletak di Kecamatan Ciracap, Kabupaten Sukabumi dengan jarak tempuh sekitar 230 kilometer dari Ibu Kota Jakarta. Jika kita melihat peta, daerah tersebut memang benar-benar di ujung selatan Jawa Barat.  Waktu tempuhnya sekitar tujuh atau delapan jam perjalanan menggunakan mobil dan juga terdapat beberapa jalur alternatif yang bisa ditempuh serta sarana angkutan umum yang memadai menuju tempat tujuan. Rute yang harus ditempuh adalah Jakarta – Bogor – Peabuhan Ratu – Jampang Kulon – Surade – Ujung Genteng.
Awalnya,, teman saya mengirimkan pesan kepada saya tentang rencana libura awal tahun setelah perayaan pergantiaan tahun baru. Dia mengatakan rencana kita akan pergi ke Ujung Genteng,, heran bin heran. Ku pikir itu adalah wisata indoor (dalam gedung) dan terdapat dipuncak menara atau gedung tinggi,, namanya juga Ujung Genteng. Tapi ternyata setelah aku searching di google ternyata Ujung Genteng adalah nama sebuah daerah di Sukabumi dan di sana terdapat curug, pantai, dan penangkaran penyu.
Jika membayangkan tempat tersebut memang benar-benar indah, tetapi saat kita menempuh perjalanannya,, waaaww,,,  Memang, jalanan yang melintang sepanjang perjalanan cukup mulus, tidak banyak jalan-jalan yang rusak  tetapi, jalalan yang kami temput melebihi  perjalanan meuju Puncak Bogor. Jalanan semakin lama semakin berbelok-belok, jalan juga tak terlalu lebar. Lebih hebatnya kita memang melewati hutan belantara tanpa ada penerangan sedikitpun dan itu lama sekali, hanya supir berpengalaman yang mampu,,, bisa dibayangkan apalagi saat memasuki Jawa Barat telah lewat pukul 12 malam, memang kami harap-harap cemas,, apa lagi saat kita menemui persimpangan tanpa papan jalan, binggung mana yang benar, kita harus behenti menunggu mobil lewat untuk bertanya arah da itu pukul 3 pagi sangat sedikit mobil yang lewat daerah seperti itu, benar-benar sedikit tapi kami biasa menempuh perjalanan malam, memang dari malam suasana sangat dingin, siapkan jaket tebal dan obat mual, itu hal yang pasti akan dirasakan.
Setelah memasuki daerah Ujung Gentang sudah subuh sekitar pukul 5 pagi, cukup sudah perjalanan tuk hari pertama. Kami memutuskan mengunjungi Curug Cikaso terlebih dahulu di pagi hari, tapi saying saat itu musim hujan jadi aliran curug tak telalu jernih. Setelah memarkirkan kendaraan kami,, kami berjalan kami menuju curug tersebut. Sebenarnya ada dua cara yang dapat ditempuh. Pertama kita bisa menyewa perahu selama 10 menit sebesar 60.000 pulang dan pergi melewati sungai besar atau bisa juga cara kedua yaitu dengan beralan kaki melewati persawahan dan bukit kecil.
Curug Cikaso memiliki 3 jalur air terjun yang cukup tinggi,, tempat ini tidak bisa digunakan untuk berenang karena arusnya cukup deras tapi pemandangannya cukup indah untuk dipandang. Untuk kebersihan,, maaf tapi kami menilai ini dapat mengurangi keindahan curug. Banyak tedapat sampah yang berserakan dan sedikit sekali pengelola menyediakan tempat sampah. Lagi-lagi masalah sampah.
Cukup ironi,, kita membayar Rp 2.000 untuk setiap wisatawan, tapi sedikit kurang sebanding dengan fasilitas yang ada. Semoga saat kami lain waktu berkunjung ke curug Cikaso tak ada lagi hal semacam sampah yang mengurangi indahnya curug J.
Astri Puji Lestari
4 SA 03
Gunadarma University